Welcome to Noon at Night. I have created this blog because I love studying all aspects of God’s Word and I am particularly intrigued with the deeper more difficult areas of scripture. Noon at Night will serve as an avenue for me to document my studies and share my conclusions with others. I hope to receive questions, comments, and even arguments regarding the studies I publish and the conclusions I draw. I will respond to comments as quickly and thoroughly as possible, but I have enabled comment moderation and will only respond to those comments that are mutually edifying and above all, glorifying to the Lord. I do not want to engage in antagonistic or meaningless arguments, but look forward to serious comments even when they differ from or question my conclusions. In fact, disagreement helps me to either re-think my position or defend it—both are very beneficial!
I will be publishing my studies in their entirety, so some of them might be long! I feel that the benefit of maintaining the continuity of each study by presenting it in its entirety outweighs the potential difficulty in reading a long article. I know that I run the risk of losing part of my audience with this approach, but I think those who are truly interested in participating in these studies won’t be intimidated by their length.
I want each study I publish to be thorough, so I will not publish according to a set schedule. Basically, when I complete a study, I will publish it. I encourage you to subscribe to the blog (if you are interested) so that I can notify you by e-mail each time I publish a new study.
I will also publish shorter articles on particular topics of interest to me.
I am going to publish a detailed profile of myself and a statement of beliefs, so that you know who I am and (basically) what my worldview is. Thanks for taking the time to read this introduction and I hope I have the opportunity to correspond with you in the future.