My name is David Spaggiari. I was born and raised Roman Catholic and although I attended Mass, Catechism, received my first Holy Communion, and was confirmed, I never knew the Lord or even really knew of Him. In 1974, at age 13, I had an experience in which I gained a true knowledge of the Lord; at the time I thought it was saving knowledge and considered myself born-again. In retrospect I see that I was not. In 1985, at age 24, the Lord opened my eyes to Him in a saving way and I was born-again. I immediately gained a strong desire to study God’s Word and have been doing so ever since. I am currently serving as one of four elders in a non-denominational church located in the West San Fernando Valley, CA. I am married and have four children. By trade I am a Technical Writer, but my passions are studying and teaching God’s Word, worship, and writing.
One of my favorite pass-times is watching movies. I have an appreciation for movie-making so my taste is varied. I like old movies and my favorite genre is film noir. My wife teases me about my taste in movies because there are very few movies that I really dislike. I can find qualities that I appreciate in just about any film.
I love music. Just like with movies, I like most types of music. There are just two types of music I really can’t stand: country and western! Although, I must admit that as I get older I am even warming up to them. I am a rock-and-roller at heart. I play the drums on our worship team at church with a couple of other middle-aged rock-and-rollers and we quite often tease each other about being want-to-be rock-stars.
God has blessed me with a wonderful family and together we serve Him. In a very healthy way my favorite thing to do in the world is to spend time with them. Whether I am splitting firewood with one of my sons or baking scones with my daughters—I am happy just to be with them.
My best friend in the world is my wife, Leslie. She helps me in every way to fulfill the assignment the Lord has given me in the earth. She supports me, challenges me, encourages me, and loves me even when I am unlovable. The Lords wisdom is so apparent in our marriage, because I could do nothing if not for Leslie!
The Lord has commissioned me to serve Him as an elder, teacher, and worship leader. I have a strong desire and believe in my heart that at some point in time I will minister for Him in a full-time capacity.
I enjoyed your bio.
Thank you for sharing.
Paul Schafer
Thanks for reading and leaving your comment. Please subscribe and I will send you an e-mail each time I post something. Hey, I see one of your favorite music types is Sovereign Grace. We are in the process of becoming a Sovereign Grace affiliate church.
Stay well and God bless!
You've changed the header. Even better!
I bet you feel you are being watched every minute, and rightly so! The Lord even keeps his eye on the tiny sparrow.
Check out my blog, I believe we think alike!
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